Does it get much cuter then these 2?
It really bothers me that you never see kids with birth defects or kids that are "different" in the media &
advertisements. It's always the "picture perfect" kid. Well I have news for the world, there are a ton of other kids out there that are just as cute! We try and teach our children from a young age that they need to be accepting of all kinds of people, not to stare and be respectful. This is a hard thing to do when you never see anything different in the media. So of course a young child is going to stare when they see someone who looks different then they do. If the media did a better job at putting kids that looked different maybe the world would not be such a critical place to live.
I know all moms think this but my kids are really flippin' cute. Despite the little line in their lip they look just like me and you. But have you ever seen a child with a cleft lip in an advertisement? Nope! A cleft lip is the most common birth defect in the United States, it occurs in 1 in every 600 births! How is it even possible that children with cleft lips have not yet been seen in our ads, tv shows and other media? It truly boggles my mind!
So if anyone knows anyone that is in the entertainment field please oh please go and shake the s*^t out of them and tell them to cast all kinds of people! All children are beautiful and don't always come out picture perfect. But I know one thing, all of those children are picture perfect to their parents. We love them no matter what. For that reason alone they should also have the chance to shine.
Attention talent agents! Start casting what real kids look like, I know a handful of kids born with a cleft lip among other birth defects that would be amazing little actors or models. Wake up and smell the diversity America!
I know alot of people read my blog so if you reads this and knows someone who can do something about this issue email me...