Thursday, February 9, 2012

Where have all the prizes gone?

As I poured Isabella's Lucky Charms into her bowl this morning I found this. Now, 20 years ago it would not of been surprised but today I was shocked, I thought I was seeing things. I could not tell you the last time that I found a prize actually inside a cereal box. I'm lying, I was 10.

Today kids have to send away for them. Kids don't want to send away for something, they want instant gratification. They want their prizes inside the cereal box! I mean can you blame them?

My sister and I would fight for the prize. My mom would have to stop us from emptying the entire cereal box as soon as we got home from the grocery store. That's how cereal was chosen back in my day, because I'm so old. We picked which cereal we wanted based on which ones had the best prizes. I know times are a changin' but really? Send away for prizes? C'mon Genereal Mills! I have a brillant way to boost cereal sales in America, spend the 5 cents it costs for the diddly prize and write prize inside on the outside of the cereal box. Sales will sky rocket! Kids don't even care what it is they just want the prize.

So thank you General Mills for putting this comic inside Isabella's cereal box. She now has a small example of what it was like when I was a kid, back in the good old days.

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