Monday, January 9, 2012

the witching hour

I know all of you Mommie's know what I'm talking about when I say, "the witching hour." Why does it always come when it's time to make dinner? Babies must have an internal clock telling then it's 5 o'clock and Mommy needs to make dinner now so start crying! I remember this distinctively with Isabella. She would get so cranky everyday around 5 for no reason at all. Now that I have two kids she gets mad when he starts crying and she can't hear her shows. I quickly remind her that not that long ago she was crying and I couldn't hear anything. She patiently tries so hard to entertain him so he will stop crying. But quickly gets frustrated when nothing helps. Then she says to me, "Geez Mom play with the poor guy!" Kids say the cutest things!

But as I write this at 5:45pm I must go because a "witching" baby awaits!

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