Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1 kid, 2 kids, 3 kids, 4

There are so many differences between your first and second child. With your first child you do, or try to do everything by "the book." You want someone there with you at all times, because lord only knows what would happen had you been left alone. You wake up every hour to check if the baby is still breathing. On the rare occasion that you are left alone and you try and take a shower you take the baby into the bathroom with you. You know because at 1 month old they can climb right out of that baby safe crib! You think that the sleep deprivation you are experiencing will NEVER end. I remember it felt like an eternity of not sleeping.

Then along comes number 2, or 3 or 4 or whatever may be. All of the above goes out the window. You no longer need help 24/7. You know the sleepless nights will not go on forever and you can see the light at the end of what once seemed a never ending tunnel. Showers are much more frequent then they once were and oddly you don't seem as tired this time around.

So hang in there new moms, it gets easier, I promise.

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