Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Boys vs. Girls

This is my beautiful Donato.

Yesterday he loved me lots!!! I got peed on, pooped on and threw up on. I don't remember Isabella doing any of that as much as he does. He blows out diapers at least twice a day. It must be a boy thing.

As he laid in my bed while i took this picture he peed again! In my bed!

I am so glad I have a boy and a girl. I feel lucky I get to experience both. They are so different. I don't know if it just because they are different little humans or because one's a boy and one's a girl. Donato is such a laid back baby, Isabella would never do half the stuff he does. You can put Donato in the exersaucer or on the play mat and he will play for at least 20 minutes. Never would of happened with Isabella. She was so much more needy.

Each child of mine is so different, as I'm sure most are. But it just amazes me how you can tell a babies personality from such a young age. Isabella was a loving but needy baby and now she's a loving and needy 4 year old. I hope Donato grows up to be a laid back little guy. I just hope he doesn't continue to poop and pee on me all the time! It's only cute for so long!

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