Tuesday, October 18, 2011

running on 1 hour of sleep

The first nite in the hospital was a rough one. Donato had a hard time sleeping without being held. He needed morphine every 3 hours but hasn't had any since 3am which is good. We're working on getting him to eat but with his new lips and not being tongue tied he doesn't know what to do with his new mouth. Hopefully we can get him eating better so we can go home. Every feeding he figures it out more and more so that's good.

While in the hospital we actually had a doctor ask us if Donato was born with his cleft lip or did it just happen. REALLY BUDDY!?!?! I don't care if you're a first year medical student, there is no excuse not to know that a cleft lip happens before birth! Yeesh!

Now that we are home he's not crying as much. He doesn't look at me with those puppy dog eyes anymore either. That killed me, it was as if he was saying oh mommy why do I feel so crappy and why can't you make it stop. You always want to take your childs pain away, it kills me to see him in so much pain. He's probably slept 6 hours in the past 24 hours, he's tired and hungry and just not a happy boy. But we're all hanging in there!

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