Saturday, October 1, 2011

The vanishing NAM

This is the dreaded NAM (Nasoalveolar Molding Device). I know this is the best possible thing for Donato right now. It is going to lessen the amount of surgeries he will have and we will get a better outcome from these surgeries. So having said that, I hate this thing!!!! You have no idea. (unless you're a NAM mommy too)

The NAM wasn't so bad in the beginning when it didn't have those silver wires or pink nasal stints coming out of it. It was just that clear piece on the bottom. Then came the wires and nasal stints. With this, the difficulty of putting this thing in increases drastically. The NAM also involves making a these securing strips out of steri strips and small rubber bands, (like the ones you use when you have braces) That alone will take you 30 minutes to make 10, like I have nothing else to be doing with my time. But if it will help my son I will do it. We're nearing the end of this process, THANK the good lord!!!

This brings me to the vanishing NAM. Yesterday Doanto fell asleep while I was feeding him so I put him down for a nap in the middle of my bed. Usually he only takes catnaps for 30 minutes. This day he slept for 2 hours and I got so much done that I have been trying to accomplish for weeks. I was all over the house throwing things out and cleaning. I hear Donato waking up so I go in my room and pick him up. I look at his face and realize that the NAM is missing. Okay no big deal, I'll just look in the bed for it. Not there, I look on the floor, not there. Now I'm starting to panic. I looked everywhere, no where to be found! Donato can't eat without this and I'm petrified that he's going to get hungry. So Danny comes home and we proceed to look some more. In garbage bags, in all the rooms, everywhere! I take my bed apart, pull everything out from under the bed, no NAM!!! At this point I've already texted Dr.Sallustio asking him what we do if we lost the NAM. His response what do you mean? This thing is that serious and that much of a big deal, of course he would ask me what do I mean because what idiot mother looses such an important thing??? An hour later Danny finds it across the room from where Donato was sleeping! Daddy to the rescue!

And that is the story of the vanishing NAM!

1 comment:

  1. LOL that is funny and scary all at the same time..
    where did danny find it? And did my monsieur take it?
