Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The value of some zzzz's

You never fully understand the value of sleep until you have had a child. In college I thought it was necessary to sleep until 2 in the afternoon after going to bed at 3am. Boy was I mistaken! These days I'm happy if I get 4 hours!

The past three nights Donato had a little belly virus. This caused him to be up and screaming all night long. When I say screaming I mean the blood curdling silent death cry. I know all my moms know what I'm talking about. He would only sleep in you were holding him standing up straight. This made for a very tired mommy and daddy. Danny and I walked around like zombies yesterday.

Obviously my little man is feeling better. Last night he blessed us with 5 hours of consecutive sleep followed by a 3am snack and back in bed by 4:15 and is still sleeping at 8:01 am!!! Oh the joys of motherhood!

So to all you teenagers and college kids out there who sleep the day away...GET UP!! I never listened to my mom when she told me I was sleeping the day away. Now I fully understand what she meant. I get the majority of things done before 2pm. New moms who are up every 1 to 2 hours, it gets better everyday. When you think you will never sleep again your little angel will too bless you with 5 hours of consecutive sleep. Enjoy those little angels, they grow so fast and one day you will miss waking up in the middle of the night seeing that little face that needs you so much.

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