Monday, October 10, 2011

t minus 7 days

This time next week Donato will be in surgery to repair his cleft lip. I've done this once before with Isabella but, it never gets easier. I almost think it's harder. The saying, "ignorance is bliss" is so true! I know what to expect and I know how hard it's going to be sitting in that waiting room waiting for the doctor to come out and update us. I know how miserable he's going to be for a little while. My poor little guy! However, I also know it won't be long before he is back to his normal smiley self. But it still sucks!

This morning he sat with me on the couch after his bottle and just snuggled with me for a good half hour. It's just what I needed. I know he's a strong resilient little boy that's gonna be just fine. I know a little snuggle from me will make him feel better. Yes he is a momma's boy and I'm totally ok with that! So today I am filled with such mixed emotions. It's hard but we will get through it! I can already see the light at the end of the tunnel, Donato's new smile!

As if all that isn't enough I treat people with colds like they have the plague. If he gets sick he can't have surgery and I cannot deal with the anticipation of surgery all over again! So if you have the slightest sniffle stay away! I am keeping him on lock down in the house all week. I'm hoping this doesn't backfire on me, so say your prayers that we stay germ free until next week!

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