Friday, October 7, 2011

i love you...just the way you smell...

I'm sure we can all agree that there is nothing better than the smell of a new baby. We all know that there are many smells to them. Poop smells, spit up smells, freshly bathed baby smells, I love them all. And more often then not, you end up smelling like said baby. That being said, excuse the smelly new mothers and don't mind the spit up on their shoulder.

Call me crazy, but the first thing I do when I pick up a new baby is smell their head. It's such a short time they smell like that. You all know what I'm talking about. There are many things we take for granted in life. We are always in a rush to be somewhere or do something. Before you know it, they will be stinky teenagers. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, stop and smell the baby heads.

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